Train & Equip
The original mandate of God upon this ministry was and remains to prepare, train and equip God’s people for Kingdom Business. Through the effective teaching of God’s word and doctrine.
To instill the fundamental truths of Faith in God’s promises and the corporate unity of the body of Christ.
To establish the headship of Christ in each partner and the corporate body
To affirm the 5 fold ministry gifts provided by God as communicated by the Apostle Paul, Ephesians 4:11-16
To impact the community through evangelism and outreach.
To serve our fellow man as Salt and Light, by means of expressing God’s love and His desire to see all men saved. 1 Timothy 2:4
Be a safe place
To be a safe place for all people, accepting all who would come desiring to seek and to serve the Lord!
To provide for and meet the spiritual needs of all partners as well be a source of practical education and training
to improve quality of life during spiritual growth and development.